Patchogue YMCA 4/5, Huntington 5/4, Glen Cove YMCA 5/10, Bay Shore YMCA 5/31, East Hampton RECenter YMCA TBD
Total Price may be more or less based on additional registration options such as donations.
*Includes processing fee
Your name on your bib three weeks before race day.Price increases to $35 on race day.
Upload Times & Photos: April 5 - April 13.Price increases to $35 on race day.Scroll to the bottom of the page for 'how to' Virtual.#efVirtual
*** Participants must be registered 2 weeks prior to race start date to receive t-shirt ***
Form a Team with friends or family! This is optional and may not have any affiliated awards.
Registration fees are used toward race expenses and cannot be returned once you sign up.