David Lerner Associates Long Island
Police Appreciation Run 5K

Thursday Evening, June 12, 2025

6:15PM 1/4 Mile Kids Fun Run Start
7PM 5K Start
Rain or Shine
Eisenhower Park - Field 2

Thank you to our volunteers!


Please see below the volunteer options for onsite event time. The volunteer coordinator will be in touch regarding time expectations with an email the week of the event.

  • Wednesday, June 11, 2PM to 6PM at Runner's Edge, 242 Main Street in Farmingdale

  • Must be in location at least 20 min prior to the race start. May be asked to check in 1st or to go directly on course. Time at the post will depend on where you are stationed.

  • Check in is 90 minutes prior to the race start. Please feel free to assist with a course location or finish line too!

  • Check in is 90 minutes prior to the race start. Please feel free to assist with a course location or finish line too!

  • Check in is 90 minutes prior to the race start. Please feel free to assist with a course location or finish line too!

  • Check in is one hour prior to the race start. Please familiarize yourself with the course map before race day. If this is your 1st time, let the volunteer coordinator know when they email you and again on race day.

  • Must be in location at least 20 min prior to the race start. May be asked to check in 1st or to go directly on course. Time at the post will depend on where you are stationed.

  • Must be in location at least 20 min prior to the race start. May be asked to check in 1st or to go directly on course. Time at the post will depend on where you are stationed.

  • Please check in at least 30 minutes before the race starts and be at the refreshments when the race starts. This is the perfect spot for people who also did bib pick up or race giveaway.

  • Please check in at least 30 minutes before the race starts and be at the finish line when the race starts. This is the perfect spot for people who also did bib pick up or race giveaway.

  • Must be in location at least 20 min prior to the race start. May be asked to check in 1st or to go directly on course. Time at the post will depend on where you are stationed.

  • Must be in location at least 20 min prior to the race start. May be asked to check in 1st or to go directly on course. Time at the post will depend on where you are stationed.

  • Collect and hand out bags and the race pre and post baggage check

  • Check in is 90 minutes prior to the race start. This involves being part of the event for basically it's entire duration.

  • Please come 2 hours prior to the start and assist for the event duration -- if you cannot do the entirety let us know.



I understand and agree to be legally bound hereby for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, successors and waive, release and hold harmlessDavid Lerner Associates Long Island Police Appreciation Run 5K, Eisenhower Park, GLIRC, elitefeats inc., and any volunteers and all race sponsors and their agents, employees and representatives for any and all injuries, claims, liabilities and causes of action related to my participation in this event. I attest that I am physically fit and have sufficiently trained for the completion of this event and that my condition has been verified by a licensed medical doctor. I further grant permission to any of the foregoing organizations to take and use photographs, video, and recordings or any other record of this event for any purpose whatsoever.

If signed by a parent, the parent agrees to release and hold the above-named organizations and persons harmless of any claims which may be asserted by or on behalf of the entrant as well.

Almost done, where should we send the confirmation?

RedPodium Sports Event Management System