Total Price may be more or less based on additional registration options such as donations.
If you are planning to pick up your bib the morning of the event, please check here.
Friday, July 11th from 3pm-6pm at Geary Sports (Gubbins) 28 Hill Street Southampton, NY 11968
Age should be between 10 and 17 as of July 12th, 2025
You must have a membership with USAT in order to participate in the event. If you are NOT a member you may purchase a one day membership or annual membership.
Proceeds from the event go to benefit i-tri. i-tri is an inclusive, community-based program that fosters self-respect, personal empowerment, self-confidence, positive body image and healthy lifestyle choices for adolescent girls. i-tri girls train mind, body, and spirit to complete a youth-distance triathlon as a metaphor for life's journey, giving them the opportunity and the tools to achieve seemingly impossible goals. Along their way to the finish line, i-tri girls develop strong habits and attitudes which last a lifetime. This program is always free of charge to every participant.
Registration fees are used toward race expenses and cannot be returned once you sign up.