March 23, 2024
8AM Start - Rain or Shine
Savin Rock Conference Center
6 Rock St., West Haven, CT 06516
- Men's and Women's cut Short Sleeve Tech T-Shirts for all entrants
- Custom Finisher medals for all Finishers
- Water, Gatorade Endurance, fresh bagels, and bananas at the finish line for Finishers
- LIVE / Text / Email Results
- FREE Finish Line Photos
Custom pint pilsner glass awards
- Top 3 M/F Overall
- Top 3 M/F Age Groups : 10-14, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80+
Please see the event staff starting at 6AM.
- You must know your bib number in order to pick up your bib. If you do not know your bib number there will be a Self Lookup area.
- If you register more than 24 hours in advance, your bib number will be texted or emailed to you at least 2 hours prior to bib pickup.
- If you register within 24 hours of bib pickup please bring your confirmation email, either on your phone or printed, in order to be assigned a bib.

Our course is challenging and starts off with 4 miles flat, followed by 5 hills in the next 5 miles and finishes downhill and flat for the final 4 miles. Do that twice for the Marathon.
1/3 of the course is along Long Island Sound.
Some roads will be partially closed (Police at intersections) but most roads will be open.
Aid stations every 2 miles beginning at Mile 2.5 stocked with Water & Gatorade Endurance.
Porto-Lets at Miles 4.5, 6.55, 13.1, 17.6, 21.5.
Check out the Half Marathon Course HERE
Check out the Marathon Course HERE
[email protected]
- LIVE Online/Email/Text Results and FREE Video & Same-day finish line pics
- Find Misc Photos on Facebook @elitefeats