The Euclid Hose Company Presents:
Roam Patchogue and join us at The Running Dead 5K and eat the brains (take the flags) of human runners. Take the most and win prizes!
Welcome to ZOMBIE LIFEMust Watch: Official Makeup Tutorial
Total Price may be more or less based on additional registration options such as donations.
*Includes processing fee
Your name on your bib three weeks before race day.Price increases to $30 on 9/26 and to $35 on race day.
Uncheck this box to register for the run/walk
Uncheck to register for the run/walk.
HEAD START-Protect your Brains (FLAG) from Zombies with a head start at the start line!-Prize to BEST Halloween Costume
DELAYED START-Steal Brains (FLAGS) from Human Runners as you start behind the humans and chase them!-Prize to BEST Zombie Costume
Race T-shirt to the FIRST 200 REGISTRANTS!
Form a Team with friends or family! This is optional and may not have any affiliated awards.
Proceeds go to benefit the Euclid Hose Company of the Patchogue Fire Department
Registration fees are used toward race expenses and cannot be returned once you sign up.