EARLY REGISTRANTS (before start day) can start posting times ON start day!LATE REGISTRANTS (after start day) allow up to 24 hours to post times.BIB MAILING begins Monday prior to start day. If you register after this, please allow 3-5 business days to receive.You don't need the bib to participate, it's a keepsake!
Join us in raising money to protect the ocean. But why the ocean you ask?
Well ...
Every other breath we take is thanks to the ocean.The seafood we enjoy is thanks to the ocean.We even receive jobs, recreation, and joy from the ocean.We need the ocean, and the ocean now needs us.From pollution to climate change, the ocean is stressed.
It needs champions, and the Healthy Ocean Coalition works to build a network of ocean champions calling for ocean health to ensure OUR future healthy planet.
We believe everyone can be an advocate for a healthy ocean. That's why our members, ranging from young adults to grandparents, work together to advance ocean conservation centering the ocean and people by engaging their communities in outreach, education, and advocacy.
We amplify the work and voices of our community members loud enough for those in power to hear and, together, we advocate for effective, immediate, and systematic change.
This year we are raising funds through our Creepy Ocean Critter 5K Your Way, to support the Healthy Ocean Advocacy Academy, our flagship program that educates and equips individuals to become effective champions for ocean conservation and justice.
Your donation will help support:❖ Sponsoring future ocean justice advocates by keeping our Healthy Ocean Advocacy Academy FREE.❖ Increasing advocacy and communications support for Academy graduates who are working on local campaigns to protect their communities and the ocean.❖ Amplifying the important work of graduate advocates and organizations through our multi-media advocate platform, Voices of a Healthy Ocean.
Join us today in running, walking, swimming, or biking our way toward a healthy ocean!
Total Price may be more or less based on additional registration options such as donations.
*Includes processing fee
200 laps of a 25m pool#efVirtual
Uncheck this box to register for the run/walk
Bibs and/or other items will not be shipped internationally.You may participate and still be able to post times & photos!
Form a Team with friends or family! This is optional and may not have any affiliated awards.
Proceeds to go to the Healthy Ocean Coalition
Registration fees are used toward race expenses and cannot be returned once you sign up.